Momma’s Eyes

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My mom always said she had eyes in the back of her head. And she did have a way of knowing what we had done.

But I think it might be more accurate to say moms have eyes in their hearts. And their hearts feel things for their kids that they pick up from just a flicker of emotion on their child’s face.

And it doesn’t matter how old your “kid” becomes or how many kids your kid has of their own. A loving mother’s heart beats in a special way for and with her children.

She feels the disappointments over struggles at work and school. She feels the hurt when someone is rude to her loved one. She prays and tries (unsuccessfully usually) not to worry over the health concerns of even her grown children. She grieves with them through the breakups or in the loneliness of no relationship.

She prays over driving and crazy work schedules and crying babies that don’t allow enough sleep.

She worries over their tempers and faults and debts and wonders how she should have/could have parented differently and better. At the same time she smiles at their virtues and takes pride in their successes.

A loving mom treasures the phone calls and visits of her grown children and gets misty over photos, art projects and stuffed animals from their younger years.

Not everyone is blessed with a loving mother. And many who are take her for granted. But then when her mind gets foggy with Alzheimer’s and she doesn’t know your name anymore, or she’s called Home to the Lord, you miss that momma love.

Because Momma Love gives a comfort and strength you don’t totally comprehend until it’s gone. Having someone care more about your problems than you do lifts some of the heaviness. Having undoubtable empathy just a phone call away gives courage. Having a momma’s prayers over your life tucks you into the grace and peace of God.

If you never had a loving mom, I pray that God will comfort you with His own perfect love.

If you were blessed with a caring mom and you still have her with you, show her all the love you can for as long as you can.

If you had a loving momma, but she’s gone now, pray about passing on her legacy. Even if you don’t have children of your own, there are always little ones (and people of all ages) that need love.

Maybe if we follow the promptings of the Spirit and express love as God leads we will know His joy in deeper ways and take care of each other in ways that would make our mommas proud. Maybe if we all pray for “eyes in our hearts” the world will be a gentler place.

(Meanwhile, those of you who still have little ones at home, keep those eyes in the back of your head wide open. The rest of us will pray for you.)


  1. I really enjoyed “Momma’s Eyes.” I wonder if I might use it in our school’s publication which is freely accessible at I would give proper attribution. Let me know. Thanks.

    1. I’m thankful to hear you enjoyed the post, kfarmer2014! I’m honored to have it shared in your school’s publication.
      Thanks. Cheryl

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